ANIM1002 Critical Studies

89be5fc086This is a scene from the film ”The Chronicles of Narnia – The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe”.


When first seeing this  still image you can see a lamp in the middle of a forest that indicates that this is not a normal world as if it’s a fantasy. This scene includes four children two little girls and two boys that are wandering in the woods. The still image also focuses in the center because of the light source coming from the lamp being brighter than the snow. The children in the still image are also wearing big winter coats that are black which stands out because of the snow that surrounds them.

This still image gives the audience an insight to four children that are lost and look as if they are new to this fantasy environment. Three of the children that are in the back on the left side look amazed of this new environment but the one on the right side looks as if he knows his way and wants to get a move on somewhere. Finally this scene uses a lot of bright colours that make the image appealing and warm to look at even though the image involves a lot of snow.


This is a scene from the film ”The Chronicles of Narnia – The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe”.


In this photo we have the actress Georgie Henley playing as a little girl who is one of the main characters in the film. Here she is wandering in an almost completely empty room when she discovers a bright red closet in the back of the room that was covered with a blanket. This scene has a lot of warm colours such as the brown, yellow and light brown. The way the girl is positioned gives the viewer only little to see what’s on the other side of the door we only see a  rim of light coming out of the closet.  this is really effective in a fantasy film because it always makes the viewer curious what’s going to happen or in this case what is on the other side of the door.

The scene also includes a window on the left side that brightens the room which suggests that’s how the girl sow the closet in the back of the room. The window also shows a difference between light coming from outside and inside the closet which can only mean that whatever is inside the closet it’s brighter than the sun outside.  This scene was shot at an appropriate distance from the actor to also show the emptiness of the room and that the closet is the only object in the room. Finally there is a contrast between the light and dark sources used such as the light window on the left and the dark corner on the right but what stands out the most it’s the light coming from the closet that looks brighter than anything else.




This scene is from the film ”Saving Private Ryan”.

In the first 10minutes of the movie ”Saving Private Ryan” we get hear the engine sounds of the army boats charging to the enemy shores, the engine sound in the background is really slow and gives the effect that the engine is under water. Then we hear the sound of captains shouting for the troops to get ready but as the captain was speaking he was breaking up meaning that he is scared and nervous. As the movies carries on we hear sirens and explosions in the background but not too loud. There is also the sound of heavy breathing of the troops as they are getting ready to change. Once we hear the levers that kept the boats shut open the sound of the explosions gets really loud we hear bullets hitting the troops.

The chaotic sounds of the explosion are really loud but in the background we also hear a metallic sound suggesting there is heavy artillery spraying there bullets at the troops.We can also hear a bell ring in the background suggesting that the enemy troops have arrived. As the soldiers were dying we hear tham fall in the water as the sound of the chaos on the battlefield gets quieter meaning that the soldiers are dead. We can also hear the water tides hitting the coast of the beach as the explosions and bullet sound echos in the background. Finally we hear more dialoc of soldiers shouting with pride that they are in business as we slowly hear the sound of drums echoing. Then the chaos in the background gets really quiet meaning that the enemy troops have fallen and the army is advancing.