ANIM1001 2D Animation

Final Animation with sound.

This is the final animation with sound.

I have included extra scenes and perspective views so that the animation looks more natural and also has a 3d effect to is.


Animation so far

This is the animation that I have created to this point.

I tried to sync the walk cycle with the sound so that it sounds organic when she steps.

Try 3

This is a sketch that got my idea going, I  like this idea of the girl walking through the wood because its simple and it looks appealing.


These are the background that I have created for my animation as you can see I tried to make the further back mountains darker that the forest. at first I wasn’t sure if I want to keep the tree`s colour dark blue because it looked so similar to the sky but then when I put them together it made this dark environment.

anime background 2

anime background 4

Background 1 anibackground 3 ani

Rough Idea

This is the sketch of the idea I came up with, when I was working on this I realise that I was putting too many ideas into one. I also received some feedback which suggested to focus on one idea from my animation and keep working on it.

In response to that I have recreated a much more simple idea.

Walk Cycle

This is a walk cycle I was working on for my animation. I tried to include a pathway with hills so that I can figure out how the character would move up a hill.

Character Design

This I the final character Design that I will be using in my animation.

I wanted to create a character that has simple face expressions because she will be walking into a dark forest.

char random fin9ish soonStoryboard

This is a storyboard I created for one of the scenes were the character walks through the woods and finds a bridge which she crossed to reach the centre of the woods.

girl im woods storyboarddd.jpg

 Second part of the Storyboard

This is another part of the storyboard were I was deciding how she will be walking through the woods, as you can see in the scenes I tried to show that the character will be walking into a perspective view and as gets deeper into the woods.

girl im woods storyboardFinal Character Concept

This is the final character concept with colours. I tried to keep the characters colours similar to the environment so that she looks like she is part of that world. I also tried to show some contrast between the blue and the red so the character is more visible as it walks through the scenes.

girl im woodsCharacter Sketch

I tried to keep the character simple by only using simple shapes, this is because I can animate faster.charchar2Bird Storyboard

In this storyboard I was trying to come up with an idea that would make my animation more interesting. I included a bird that the main character will be following through out the animation.

 girl im woods storyboardd

Colour layers of my animation

When I was animation I found out that you can have separate layers for the outlines an colour which makes it easier for the long run. In the end I decided to keep working wit colour on the outline layer because my lines had too many gaps.

Colour layers.jpgReference images used to create the environment.

These are the reference images that I used to come up with the design for my background. I decided to create a dark forest that has little light coming through branches because the sound I will be using are simple and natural.

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Reference for the bird

Because I will have a bird in my animation I had a look at how birds move here is a reference image I was using.


Image result for muybridge bird

Sound work.

Here I was working on Sound composition in adobe audition. As you can see I merged sounds so that it blends in with other sounds. I also included some echoing because I wanted to create the atmosphere of an empty forest.


Working with Echo and Delay

When I was compositing my sounds together I came across some helpful tools like delay and echo which helped me with arranging the sound in the right place for the animation.soundpre2

Animation final soundtrack link:

Animation soundtrack link:

Animation link:

Trying to create a walk cycle

This is a screen shot of how I was working on the in-betweens for my animation.


Trying a walk cycle

Here I was working on making the character walking sneaky.

Sneaky walk reference.gif

Term 2 Project

This is my character design for my 2d animation here I was trying to use the similar colour palette as the background to create the characters appearance.


Here i was working on background and colour for my animation and i was trying to decide on which time of colour palette i was going to use.

I Decided to stick with the one that look grey and darker because i wanted to created a mysterious atmosphere coming from the woods.

Colour exp.jpg


This is the story board that I created for this project.y idea is about a creature walking through the woods as the audience experiences the sounds that are in the woods.

StoryBoard 3.jpg





This is my final animation with no sound.

Click here for the SOUND VERSION:


Here is a clean outline of the animation that I have been working on.





Character Ideas for animation: Shakespeare & Jack the Ripper



This are reference images that  i used for my characters.




This is the experiment i done with the use of rotoscoping in tv paint.


This is my final falling feather task that i found interesting considering I’m not using a character and an object.

This is one of the first task we have been assigned and this is my chewing gum character.


When creating a character i had to think about shape and size because it gives the character personality and identity.


When making my animations i have to think about timing and spacing to make the animation look consistent.


Here are the 3 different objects that i have animated to show the difference between weight.


This is the walk cycle task complete i had to try this multiple times because i wanted to understand it more.


This is my head turn that i have made in tv paint and here as you can see i did multiple ones because i wanted to understand how to space my frames correctly.
